Sunday, November 4, 2012

Place for thoughts, inspired by the Swedish Dance History

Last winter we launched our official website, so haven't been actively using the blog to post information about our workshops or events... Please visit our website for information on our training season and other events!

I would like to re-launch the blog as a place for writings, articles, thoughts and rants for the community at large about creative practice, thinking, talking and making dance. While at the Impulstanz Festival in Vienna in 2010, a group of young artists were at the festival, promoting the launch of the second edition of the Swedish Dance History, a free, published document created in collaboration by over 200 authors, makers and doers in the field of dance and choreography. I grabbed my free copy of the very large, silver book at the closing party on the final night of the festival and have been inspired by the idea of a collaboration in collecting thoughts and a process of documenting and sharing. I extend an open invitation to you, to send along your own writings or articles that have inspired you to create an online vault of thoughts to be shared here. Read more about the Swedish Dance History here .
Email us your desired contributions:

'The history of dance is initiated through dance, but it is writers that fasten it and its readers that secure it. The Swedish Dance History is dance’s claim on its own history, a history created and authorized by us who create dance and choreography. The Swedish Dance History is a collective effort to realize this history and ultimately to claim the right to our future.'

Watch for words coming soon!

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