Friday, September 24, 2010

Summer lovin in Wien

This summer Eroca and I attended the Impulstanz Festival in Vienna for four weeks, with many other amazing Canadian dancers. There was wiener Schnitzel, lots of cheese, shows and days spent rolling around on the floor... We came to the conclusion that Canadian dancers are top tier! Open, intelligent, versatile and so very nice.

I was interviewed for an article about the festival published online!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

a new era...

So, we are getting organized. Assembling a team of bad-ass co-conspirators to help us do so... 
We figured a look back at we have done would be nice before getting into what is and will happen in the near future. Stay posted for announcements for our workshops for this fall and winter 2011.

photo by Tim Birmingham

The Love-In was founded in February of 2009 by independent dance artists Amanda Acorn and Eroca Nicols. We started to present monthly meetings modeled after the “5 a 7” organized by the RQD in Montreal, with hopes to fill a niche we felt was missing in the Toronto dance community. A place to bring together artists at all stages of development, for discourse, networking, meeting, greeting and information sharing. In an effort to foster community and provide an informal gathering place for dance artists to meet each other and find out what is happening city wide in our community. It has become a place to meet your community, plug your upcoming show or workshop, ask for/give advice, inspire, advocate and build bridges. It is our hope this event will develop to become a necessity within the Toronto dance community as a social and professional meeting place for dance artists to convene every month. The event is now presented in partnership with the lovely people at Hub 14: 
Check their website to find out what else they are up to!

The next Love-In is happening at Hub14 on September 19th from 5 to 7pm.

Shortly after we began presenting the meetings, we started putting on contemporary technique workshops for the professional community. Tendus and triplets are not required... We are interested in presenting classes that reflect what is happening in contemporary dance right now.  We are trying to challenge what we see as 'technique' by diversifying the training being offered in Toronto. We are presenting teachers who are giving classes that extend beyond classical modern dance training by offering classes that are truly contemporary. We have presented classes with Justine Chambers, Ruth Douthright, Farley Johansson, Kelly Keenan, Alanna Kraaijveld, Julia Sasso, Elke Schroeder, Heidi Strauss and Michael Watts. 
This fall we will be presenting Kelly Keenan (September), Stephen Thompson (October), Susanna Hood (November) and Justine Chambers (December) and more to come in 2011.